Create a life-giving environment on the weekend.

Parking Lot & Greeters: Welcome guests as they arrive on campus, direct families to appropriate check-in destinations, and help attendees navigate unruly weather.

Connect Center: Connect people with upcoming ministry events and assist them in filling out Next Steps Form.

Ushers: Assist attendees in locating open seating and assist in various spiritual practices like holy communion, the receiving of offerings, and direction for those seeking prayer.

Have a working knowledge of Life Center staff, programming, and facilities.

We ask that you commit to serving a minimum of twice a month per quarter.
Shift times and serve frequency are on a case by case basis – we can work with busy schedules!

Days and Times needed:
Weekend Gatherings: Sundays 8am-9:30am, 9:30am-11am, 11am-12:30pm
Build Nights: Wednesdays 6pm-7pm